Wednesday, September 22, 2010

1 more day left

I'm so excited to find out my end results!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Only trained two times this week

Most of this week I've been attending an ITIL bootcamp training class in Lake Park, and that took up most of my time. I was in class all day from Tues to Thur and then I had to take the certification on Friday. With that said, I hardly had time to exercise. I only got the chance to run on Monday before the course started and then Friday after I took the certification and that's all I did. My brain is still recovering from all the studying I've been doing.

It felt really good running on Friday though, an AWESOME stress reliever. Wow, I can't believe our challenge ends next week. I can't wait for the final results. Good luck everybody!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Preparing for the 5k

I can run on the treadmill on my injured ankle for 30minutes without it hurting, but when I try it on the road; I can last 20-25 minutes before my ankle starts hurting. This week I'm going to do my long runs on the road instead of the treadmill and I'll try on wife's other ankle brace which has a lot more support than the one I've been using.

We'll see how that plays out. I guess we'll find out after my run tomorrow! I really want to do well on the 5k. Good luck to everybody on their training this week and next week.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Yay! ran for 30 mins without my ankles hurting

On Friday, I used my wife's old ankle brace for my injured ankle and I actually ran for 30 minutes strainght.
Then yesturday my wife had me go get some running shoes from the 26.6 running store for my birthday. It was pretty cool. First they did a free evaluation of how I ran, and then they had me try on three different shoes for running. In the end, I bought the shoes that had the most support for my fat feet!
I'm excited to run in my new shoes. I'm gonna take them for a test drive on Monday. Thanks to my wife for the new shoes.

I can't beleive that we had our last nutrition class on Thursday. I'm kind of sad knowing that the challenge is coming to an end, but also excited at the same time to complete this challenge that has had an amazing impact in my life and others as well.

Come on team, lets' give it our all!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Started running again

I used my other sport shoes for running on Friday. The shoes are more for skating than running, but I ran for 14 1/2 mins before my right ankle started hurting, so I stopped at 15 mins. I then jumped on the elliptical for the other 15 mins for my cardio workout. It felt great!!!

This means my ankle is healing up, I just need to take it easy. Maybe, do elliptical for two days and run for one day. I'll try that out and I'll see how it goes.

I've got to say that our nutrition class last Thursday was awesome. It was just a fun class. I really liked the breakfast burrito and the lettuce wrap was the bomb.

Monday, August 23, 2010

No running for a week now

I have not ran for a week now and I feel guilty not doing it. It almost feels like I've started from square one again. No running! I can't wait to get new shoes or inserts for my shoes, so that I can try running again and see how my ankles feel. I think for now the elliptical and long walks are sufficient.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wrong type of running shoes

Lately my angles having been hurting. I can't even run for 2 minutes without them hurting, especially my right angle. I found out from Traci that I was wearing the wrong type of running shoes. I got the over pronate ones that would support the inside more than the outside. I will have to go to the shoe store to either get some new shoes or some inserts. I really didn't know the difference. I learned something new :-)

As a result, I'll be on the elyptical for about a week to give my angles sometime to heal. I can't wait to start running again. I prefer running on the road or on the treadmill than the elyptical.

Is everybody coming in the mornings now? I hardly see anybody at the gym anymore at the times that I go. If you are coming at a different time, keep it up. If you have not been slacking off, get back in the gym; we're almost there!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Slipped a little

I slipped up alittle over the past few days. I ate a 1/2 lb guacamole burger and fries at burger supreme, then a large banana cream pie milk shake from Sammys to top the night off on Thursday. It was our 6th year anniversary and that's why I had to go all out. I don't think the guacamole was worth the calories because I didn't really like it that much, but the milk shake was absolutely delicious!!!

Then on Friday I took my boys to our neighborhood fathers and sons camp-out. On the way up the outing, my boys got hungry and we pulled over to McDonalds. Since they got something, I couldn't resist and I ended up grabbing a beef/mushroom rap. It wasn't worth it as well. Then at night I had a bowl of peach/strawberry cobbler for desert.

Saturday morning I ate 4 breakfast sausages and probably 3 scrabbled eggs. After fathers and sons we had to come home and setup for my oldest boy's birthday party. I had to try a piece of my sons chocolate/reescs star wars cake. It was sooo good that I took another piece.

So there you go, that was my slip up. I know, I know, what happened to self control.
Anyhow, I'm ready to go for a long run tomorrow morning and I've started watching what I eat again today.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Starting to enjoy running

I never thought that I would ever say that I would enjoy running. My angles are not used to running long distances. They started hurting after 20-22mins of non-stop running. It's not too bad; when I'm done running, it stops hurting.
I also got a little blister on the bottom of my right foot. Maybe I need to tighten my shoes alittle next time.
For the hurting angles, I guess I'll see how I do for the next couple of days.
I also did some ab workouts after running and that is another thing I hate doing. It's going to take a while to get used to it. We're almost there guys. Come on, we can do it!!!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Strength training kicking my behind

I've been focusing on my lifting more weights this week and it's definitely running a toll on my body. Recover is slow, my body is trying to get used to it. I've only exercised 4 times this week, I had to skip Wed and Frid because I was either sore, tired, or too busy at work. I did my usual run on the road this morning and I was struggling. Maybe it was because I went later than usual or maybe my body was tired and wasted from all of the training I've been doing.
My friend (Travis) from work joined me at the gym on Thursday and it was awesome training with him.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Gaining some weight

I gained 1 lb over the weekend. Hopefully I'm gaining muscle and not fat :-) Man it felt good running today. My recovery is better than last week, I'm not so out of breath now. I've never felt better in my life. It's always good to see the people in the 100 day heart challenge working out at the gym.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Greatful for the 100-day heart challenge

I woke up this morning and I was not in the mood to go running. I was sooo tired. My body was saying "you're tired and body needs the rest", but my mind was saying, "you've got to do it for the heart challenge." I immediately got out of bed and I went running. It felt soooo good afterwards and I'm glad I did it. I've lost 8 lbs so far and I don't want to loose anymore. I would like to work on gaining muscle now.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

BYU-Hawaii Samoan Pool Party

It was great seeing our friends we attended college with at the pools yesturday. I counted the 3 hours of playing in the pools with the kids as my exercise. We didn't have our usually polynesian BBQ (Ribs, chicken, sausages, mac salad, rice, coconut buns, and the list goes on) and I don't think I could have resisted. Instead, we had pizza, fried chicken, pineapple custod pies, Otai (mixture of milk, watermelon, and pineapple) - good stuff, chips, and berry salad (which I didn't get any). I took the advice of some of my fellow teams mates and only took a little of everything to try except when it came to the Otai, I took two bigs cups it. The only thing bad about the Otai was that it was high in sugar.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Worked out with Trainer (Aaron)

Worked out for about 35 mins yesterday with my trainer. I'm hurting today. Imagine if I worked out for an hour, I don't think I'd get out of bed today. Would've chucked a sicky. Glad to finally meet my trainer and to start doing some real exercises.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Went camping and first time at the GYM

We went camping over the weekend and my wife made sure that we stocked up on the junk food. She was very nice to buy a lot fruits for me and changed the receipes around to cater for my needs. My wife is the greatest.
I counted hiking as my exercise while we were camping. At one of our hikes the kids got tired and I had to carry two of them back to our campsite. One on my shoulders and one in the front carry-on.
I finally made it to the gym and I lifted for 30 mins. It felt good and I'm meeting my trainer for the first time this Thursday. I can't wait to see what I'll have to do to reach my goals.

Monday, July 5, 2010

I cheated

Lots of delicious foods all around me. On Saturday we had a neighborhood BBQ, I gave in and had a big fat juicy burger.
Then today, I went over my alloted amount of carbohydrates for the day and ended it off with a donunt.
First mistake, I forgot to keep track of my food intake.
Second mistake, felt that I deserved it. I worked hard on the yard on both of the days and I gave in to my hearts desire.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Exhausted and hungry

I finally got my login credentials for the blog and I've got no excuses for not blogging anymore. I met with Traci on Monday and I went through my fitness assessment. I did good for my intervals and gone really weak on my lifting. I still have no met with my trainer (Aaron). Hoping to get started on the training sessions.
I ran for 20 mins last Friday and then I ran for 25 mins on Tuesday and than this morning I couldn't get myself out of bed.
The hardest part for me right now is my food portion sizes. I love food and I'm a pig when it comes to lunch or dinner time. I don't really eat breakfast. I usually snack during breakfast and then go heavy for lunch and also for dinner.